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Old 01-18-2008, 03:01 AM
mseepman mseepman is offline
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Aquarium Illusions out of Edmonton builds custom tanks to your spec. Also, Aquarium Obsessions out of Toronto does too. I know both seem far away but I've got a quote from both and it wasn't as bad as it sounds and I'm farther away than you. To put perspective on it, Aquarium Obsessed is like the Oceanic of customer tank builders...higher quality and very good ratings. Aquarium Illusions is like the All Glass builders...very good quality and nice decent ratings.
I've also heard that Albert is an excellent resource for getting anything you want and he's helped me any time I've been into Golds. I just don't know who builds their tanks for them.

Here is a thread that you might want to follow along with as it is close to what I plan to get and similar to what you're looking for.

Again, this is all just my opinion from the research I've done, but I can tell you that the knowlegeable people on here will really help you out.


290g Peninsula Display, 425g total volume. Setup Jan 2013.
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