Originally Posted by Chin_Lee
sorry but I'm not going to change the product at this point in time. I read the product description and it says the HC GFO is able to remove roughly twice as much phosphate for the same volume of material.
That "ROUGHLY" clause is not good enough for me to justify the increased cost. I don't know if they can elaborate on "roughly" but the cost difference between the two is $13.33 per lb and $20 per lb. Rounding the numbers up, I could also say the HC GFO "roughly" twice the cost of the regular GFO but its really its 1.5 times the cost.
OK, I will get the normal stuff. The thing is the cost of getting it from you to me.
I will see what locals here want to do, I may just buy my own pail, but you never know.
God luck on the GB though, great idea.