Originally Posted by Jason McK
I have to disagree the lens elements in the marco lens completely change the rules of normal lenses. Depth of field is dependent on the positioning of the lens elements and not f-stop. stopping down to f22 from f2.8 will gain you millimetres of depth of field where as minor decreases of magnification will gain you centimetres.
Anyway. This is usually not a problem with Tank photography as you are never mm from you subject.
Depth of Field Information
From your qoute above, you stated that DOF is dependent on the position of the lens element and NOT f-stop.
What lens element are you talking about? The front lens element or the rear element that is closest to the film/sensor plane? In a camera lens, there are many elements that make up the construction of the lens. So to clarify your point, which lens element are you talking about that needs to be positioned so that you can control DOF. If a lens element is fixed to one postion in the lens, does that mean that the lens has only one distance setting for DOF?
Although, the DOF is limited in your photo trials, my point is that DOF can be controlled through aperature. I really don't know why you are adament that this is wrong. You've challenged what I posted and was proven incorrect. Please accept this and let's move on to helping people take photographs. 'Nuff said.
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