forsale a bunch of equipment in calgary
hey everyone i have a bunch of equipment sitting around so i've decided to sell them
250 watt mh light double ended and ballast and reflector basically entire unit just hang it up in your ceiling or canopy comes with 14k bulb i believe $150
super skimmer not sure what model lol $70
Eheim 2215 filter $60
8.9 gallon aqua giant tank all rounded glass and has a filter in the back compartment 60
half a bucket of salt $20
seio m820 $40
some other power head rated at 1200 gph i think its a tunze not sure $60
or everything for 375 basically entire system have a bunch of other little things you can have if u buy entire setup
Last edited by riceboy; 01-14-2008 at 01:19 PM.