Greetings Canreef!
We are a new company supplying premium aquacultured corals. Our main interest is Ricordea florida, but we are currently farming leathers, Rhodactis mushrooms, and Actinodiscus mushrooms of incredible colour.
Our company prides itself on quality, honesty, professionalism, and customer satisfaction. Currently we are a web store only. Customers in the Victoria area can arrange to pick up their orders to save on shipping costs.
Please take a moment to check out our website! Check back on the WYSIWYG section over the next week as we’ll be updating with some awesome ricordeas!
Feel free to ask any questions you may have, and my inbox is always open to comments. It’s a privilege to be part of such a great forum, and I look forward to getting to know all of you better.
Spencer Shepard
Owner, Creative Corals