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Old 01-08-2008, 04:12 AM
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Default nutrients, how to tell if to much?

Having a problem with hydroids and all I find to battle them (other than the not really practical propane torch method) is nutrient control. Question is though do I even have to much nutrient to begin with? What are the indicators?

I have a little Valonia and about enough hair algae to cover my thumb nail which I don't think is much for a 145g. Fish load is a Purple and Regal Tang, Foxface, Sixline, two Damsels and a Clown. I feed daily maybe 3x5" piece of Nori, 1/2 Tsp of flake and every once and a while some Mysis. Skimmer seems like its working (G3 with recir mod), run filter socks and have a 20g refugium with Chaeto. Don't know my phosphates (will be getting test shortly) and NO3 zero or near zero (Salifert). Using ro/di water and IO salt mix.
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