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Old 01-05-2008, 07:15 PM
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Canadian Canadian is offline
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Location: Victoria, BC
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Canadian is on a distinguished road

Thanks for the replies! I'm going to keep my fingers crossed that I can find a white yoga/pilates mat. When I move the tank I may change it to BB and I want the white bottom so it will reflect light back up (at least before it's covered in coralline algae). Also, more importantly, a yoga mat is typically less than 1/4" thick and I want to stay away from anything much thicker than that so it's not visible when looking at the rimless tank.


Do you have any recent pics of your tank? What are your parameters and how are your SPS doing with a Remora skimmer on a BB tank? I'm assuming the refugium probably picks up a lot of the slack for the iffy skimmer, but are you having any problems maintaining stable parameters with a BB tank and that skimmer?

SPS Dedicated 24x24x20 Trimless Tank | 20 g Sump | Bubbble King Mini 160 Protein Skimmer w/ Avast Swabbie | NP Biopellets in TLF Phosban Reactor | ATI Sunpower 6 x 24W T5HO Fixture | EcoTech Vortech MP20 | Modified Tunze Nanostream 6025 | Eheim 1260 Return Pump | GHL Profilux Standalone Doser dosing B-Ionic | Steel Frame Epoxy Coated Stand with Maple Panels embedded with Neodymium Magnets

"Mens sana in corpore sano"
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