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Old 01-05-2008, 06:31 PM
JoelV JoelV is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Victoria
Posts: 78
JoelV is on a distinguished road

Thanks Guys! For the mention of the Company and your positive comments.
I PM'ed the moderator of this site and there is nothing wrong with mentioning the company name in the threads as long as its not direct advertising For example
widgets 5$
gadgets 25% Off
Or direct Company promotions.
if it comes up in conversations no problems
Can reef has also welcomed me having my Company web address in my Signature as lots of other users also have theirs.
My main motivation for being on the forums is to gain information about the industry and the hobby.I also was completely green when it comes to Reefing So I very much value all the free advise I have been given, keep it coming! There are some really good people in this hobby, I'm am so excited every day I go to work that I'm going to meet another. its so fun once again I get to learn something new every day.

Check out my tank build thread on this Forum.



Last edited by JoelV; 01-06-2008 at 05:24 AM.
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