Thought I'd give an update. Our large saddle back clown is on one side of the tank with his anemone host and our 2 perc.'s are on the opposite side with their zoas host. The clowns so far have barley noticed each other, none of them want to move that far away from their hosts. Still debating on weather or not to take our friends anemone for the perc.'s to try host in, or just leave them be with their zoas. Also the odds of our friends anemone staying on the opposite side of the tank from our other anemone as well as the odds of our perc.'s even hosting in it... well it all seems like fairly slim chances to me. Not sure I want to risk it.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!!  - Laurie
Last edited by fishoholic; 01-05-2008 at 04:49 PM.