Originally Posted by pewarchuk
it is a 14 gal biocube , the mantis is about 3 inches and i have a 30gal acrylic tank for when get gets bigger, how much are the stealth heaters
not much at all. i have an 8gal biocube with a 25W heater so logically a 50W heater would fit fine in your 14gal. or if your current heater fits in there, you can just use that... doesnt have to be a visitherm. it's just what i use.
edit: you may have to remove the false floor in that chamber to allow the heater to fit. a bent coat hanger or something does the trick.
lol good to know you've planned ahead. i put a peacock mantis in my 60gal a month ago *heart*. i love the way they pick up rubble to make their burrow. speaking of which, i dont see much of it in your tank? unless it's hidden in the back. it just helps the mantis out in feeling safe (having a decent home) and allows you to observe some really cool natural behaviours.