i know that mantis shrimp are "hot" in the aquarium hobby right now. well i dont want one...but somehow i ended up with one in my tank. i recently added some liverock to my display and fuge and found this guy in my fuge yesterday. he smacked my thumb as i was examining a piece of live rock to glue some zoas to.
at first i thought it was the biggest friggin amphipod i had ever seen. but when i put it in the tank to feed my fish, i realized that swimming motion. MANTIS SHRIMP!
so i got the guy out and he is now living in a little plastic vial with a small chunk of live rock. i have NO CLUE what type of mantis it is.
it is small, about 2cm, a yellowy colour, with reddish black down it's back. it also seems to have "clubs" as opposed to "spears". doesnt have those huge eyes, but has little ones positioned right beneath his feelers.
im keeping this guy in the vial, as there is no chance i am risking reintroducing him to my tank, even the fuge, but will happily give him away to anyone who wants a free mantis shrimp. only part of the deal is that i wont drop off :P
im located on the north shore. i can meet at park royal if it's easier. i need it gone ASAP, or he will unfortunately be "disposed" of.