Removing trim
I customized my 75gal All Glass by removing both trims, (they are the molded single piece style) and cutting out the center brace on a table saw to get a clean cut. Then I installed 3"x1\2" strips of glass around all edges 2 @ 48", 2 @ 11 1\8" (this is called euro bracing). I like this because it adds strength, (there is zero deflection in the glass, you can measure this simply with a staight edge and tape measure or ruler) and makes it much more difficult for water to spill over, and more importantly fish have a tougher time jumping out. I put my trims back on because, one being single piece it makes sense that they hold the corners together and secondly if I ever drop a piece of rock or worse yet a porcelain light socket on the top edge of the glass, well you don't even want to think about that, a plastic trim would go a long ways in that situation. Oh getting the trims off can be a little tricky but if your interested I'll let you know what worked for me.