I used to fill 5 gal totes and carry them downstairs. I recently got smart, went to HD and bought a dehumidifier float valve, a bit of 1/4" tubing, a T, and a small ball valve. Now, the line goes downstairs, and filling is easy!
Originally Posted by mark
Got mine in the furnace/sump room as well works great for the last 2 years.
Using 1/4" line and JG fittings, from the output of the ro/di unit I have a tee. One side goes to a mini ball valve then a line long enough to reach where I store my mix barrel and for other uses. The other side of the tee goes to another mini valve then a float valve for ATO in my sump.
Have a 1/2" line tee'd into the drain for the furnace (Hi-efficiency furnace with line to floor drain) which I just put the 1/4" waste water line from the ro/di into. By having the ro/di waste line loose, I can just pull it out of the 1/2" line for a quick check or ever want to measure waste ratio.
Use the piercing valve to source water for the ro/di unit from the copper line that supplies the HWT.