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Old 01-03-2008, 09:57 PM
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Brent F Brent F is offline
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I know how you feel, Greg. I had new kitchen taps sitting around for 3 months and a R.O unit sitting around for a month. Finally got around to installing them over the Christmas break.

I went with the water spout setup installed under the Kitchen sink since my tanks are in a room without a water supply. Also made it easier to justify since we can use it for drinking water as well as for the tanks. Other than about 5 trips to Home Depot the installation was fairly easy.

I need to fill 5 gallon water jugs in the kitchen and carry them to the tanks. Last night I forgot I had the tap on and overflowed a water jug all over the kitchen floor. Oops.
Harley-Davidson FLSTNI

Last edited by Brent F; 01-23-2011 at 06:24 PM.
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