Originally Posted by bv_reefer
i know how it is, it can over grow everything, when my tank was about 2 months running my hair algae got so bad i couldn't even consider any more corals, so i tried that scalding water in a water bottle procedure, and i did that maybe 3-4 times followed by a couple 20% water changes as albert dao recommended and since then i've been nuisance algae-free for 5 months, no hair,bubble, or plate algae. you might want to try it out- i got it from michikas hair algae thread a couple months ago-  good luck-
I tried boiling water in a pot and then blowing it right into the rock where the hair algae is rooted with a turkey baster and it did nothing at all. Am I doing something wrong?
Originally Posted by Reefer Rob
If you're getting that kind of growth you are putting way too many nutrients into your system, it's as simple as that. Chaeto won't grow without fertilizer.
How am I putting nutrients in? I feed mysis lightly twice a week and use < 2 PPM water for WC's and top ups. I dont understand.