Hard Corals FS (Edmonton)
Three of my favorite corals are going up for sale as I anticipate a move in the next few months and I want these to go to someone who knows what they are doing. Please PM me if you have any questions. Remember to include your name/number if you are interested. Thanks for looking.
Reduced & Updated Jan 27th, 2008.
#1 Elegance Coral - SOLD
#4 Branching Octo-Frogspawn - SOLD
#5 Large colony of Green Paly's - SOLD
#2 Branching regular Frogspawn - SOLD
#3 Branching Bubbly type Frogspawn - SOLD
70G Reef tank
90G Planted Tropical tank
Last edited by fishspun; 01-28-2008 at 04:50 AM.