Originally Posted by trilinearmipmap
I haven't called Air Canada because I have found from experience that I can not rely on them. Unfortunately I am forced by circumstance (small town) to fly on this airline. They have screwed up so many things that I don't believe anything they tell me. If I get an Air Canada representative on the phone he will either not know the answer, tell me the wrong answer, or make up an answer just to get rid of me. That is why I want people's own experiences before I risk buying some fish and seeing whether it makes it home with me or not.
Do NOT trust Air canada on the phone!!
I had called ahead about bringing reptiles (a non-venomous snake) on board, was told it would be ok as long as I paid the $60 surcharge and he was in a secure cage, ok, fine...so I get there only to have the xray ppl Freak Out on me when I tell them what it is and I am Absolutely not allowed to bring him on board (an 18" ball python, no threat to anything) I lucked ouyt in finding a security guard who would keep him for me for a couple of weeks. Because of this I would ask for something in writing maybe on your ticket about bringing a box of live fish or corals, you don't want to get stranded.