Thread: Nano Skimmer
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Old 12-31-2007, 11:44 PM
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Your Rio Nano would definitely Not fill that fast. It all depends on how much protein is available to skim, as well as on how efficient your skimmer is.
I have one of those and it is not very efficient the only reason I got it was that it mixes some air and keeps ORP somewhat higher.
Having said that it also skims (was a bonus for me I did not expected it to skim at all).
But my Nano tank has no fish at all so there is not much to skim. The cup is empty for a week before i get 1/2" in there.
On the side note if you don’t like the noise coming from the air intake put a 35mm photo film canister on it (with holes) it will act like a muffler.
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