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Old 12-31-2007, 05:59 AM
dsaundry dsaundry is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Chilliwack
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Default Re Phosphate

One thing I learned today is that even if your phosphate level in your water reads 0, if you have live rock it can also be absorbed into that as well. Will promote hair algae growth. Thanks to the guys at j+l for that info. There are several things he advised for that, one of them being a product called ROWA phos. I have a minor hair algae issue in my tank and am going to give it a try. One more hint they gave me. If you do have a phosphate issue that creates a hair algae problem , try a Sea Hare. Apparently they are supposed to be good at getting rid of it. Thanks to j+l again for that info. Dont forget the regular rules as well. Regular water changes and dont overfeed..{my problem]
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