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Old 12-30-2007, 04:55 PM
mseepman mseepman is offline
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The tank looks nice. I was interested in seeing a tank from AI as they have been on my list for when I upgrade.

As for the upgrade...I bought a lot overlooking Okanagan lake and now I'm working on arranging a builder that I picked out. He's excellent, but busy so he can't start till late 2008. Plus my wife and I are expecting our first little one in January so I have to balance being kid poor, house poor and reef poor. I'm drawing my own house plans, so I've been working on how to integrate an in-wal 250 - 280g and a full fish room. It's great to see what people on here have been doing because I'm learning how many things I need to think about first.

I'm assuming from the look of your pics that you had a partially finished basement that you are building the tank room into?

Originally Posted by Gools View Post
I got it from aquarium illusions in Edmonton. One of their display tanks they were selling.
I had a 180 in Winnipeg, but shipping was to much, and gave me an excuse to finally upgrade
what size tank are you upgrading to?
Later, Nigel

290g Peninsula Display, 425g total volume. Setup Jan 2013.
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