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Old 12-30-2007, 05:31 AM
Borderjumper Borderjumper is offline
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Victoria
Posts: 1,747
Borderjumper is on a distinguished road

Ive seen two of you post now that you have seen frags in Victoria at the LFS for $100?? I havent been out and about the LFS's here for a few weeks, but I have to say I have never seen frags being sold for 100$! Now maybe Im missing out on some very special Limited Edition frags.. or your seeing small aussie acan colonys and calling them frags,,, or someones exagerating a tad bit???
I will be the first to admit I am pretty picky about what I buy, but Ive gotten some pretty nice COLONYS from each of the LFS's here for 40-100$. And if I think they are too pricy.. I just dont buy them.

Im actually getting pretty tired of seeing people whining about prices here on the Island.. jeeeze guys you have THE POWER to buy online, or to walk out of the LFS if you think they are asking too much No one is twisting your wrist making you fork over $$.
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