Buying in Victoria vs online and mainland
I tend to buy online for equipment, as prices in Victoria just can't compete unfortunately. There are examples that drive me insane -- such as maxijets at one third the price online as opposed to retail in Victoria. This is one example among many. I try to buy from Canadian online retailers, but sometimes resort to US suppliers when the price differences are worth the risk of customs hassles.
People refer to a mainland store called OA. I'm not familiar with this store. Please PM me with the name, or post it online (can't see the harm in this, frankly).
All of the above noted, it's still important to support local retailers or we won't have any. I buy much of my livestock here, along with odds and ends where the prices are fair. The front line staff in local shops here are well-intentioned and excellent, in my opinion.
All the best, and welcome back to Victoria!