Originally Posted by brutus187
A bunch of what I have found out are Red flatworms...ANY IDEAS???
what do you guys think about my water peramiters (tested with an API test kit)?
PH 8.3
Ammonia 0.0
Nitrite 0.0
Nitrate 20
SG - 1.024
Thanks for all the knowledge you guys have compiled into one place!!!
Bummer about the red planaria (flatworms). They can be a real pain in the butt to get rid of. To give an idea of the population...how many do you think are on the front glass?
Your params look ok, but you need to get that Nitrate down. You want to be 0, but at least below 10. What skimmer are you running? How often do you do waterchanges, and of what size (# of gallons)? How long has the tank been setup?