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Old 12-27-2007, 01:12 PM
Salmon King Salmon King is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Victoria
Posts: 308
Salmon King is on a distinguished road
Default potential employees

I had some very good potential employees at my house. I made everybody grab there own coral and add the prices.I caught 2 friends that didnt add there bill right.They forgot too add a couple coral.I said I will not hire you 2 because you will be giving MY stuff away free if I open a reef store.Its unreal how careful people are when they have to get there own coral out of the tank.If I open a store I will let people fish out there own coral and fish.One couple Shelly and Aron.They bought quite a few CORAL and the green scolly.They put everthing in the box except that scolly.He said I will drive and you hold that one in your lap and dont drop it.Man that was my nicest coral and I was glad it went to a very very very caring home and very good honest people.Sorry though as they have to eat kraft dinner for a month.Oh well most of us have to lose wate after that big turkey.Not me as I am only aloud to eat boost so I am losing my belly I worked all my life to make.Me not Santa next year as I be to skinney.Have a good and safe new year.DONT DRINK AND DRIVE.DO IT FOR THE KIDS.TAKE A CAB . OH YEA.Somebody by accident took my phone book.Please bring it back no questions asked

Last edited by Salmon King; 12-27-2007 at 01:38 PM.
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