The pump nests into the bottom of the housing and just like the Reef-Rat has a Jet-Nozzle that is electrically driven by a 2 rpm 110vac gear-motor.
The intake, by virtue of the pump sticking out of the bottom of the housing, sits squarely under the water level as well as the Jet-Nozzle, the intake being protected by an intake screen so as not to turn your fish into sushi.
The Jet-Nozzle is mounted directly on the pump outlet, no extra piping to cut flow.
The pump impeller is accessible for service or replacement by simply turning the unit upside down. It will be self-priming and fully autonomous.

Flow won't be the word for what this beast is gonna shoot. It will be designed to use a 200, 300, 500 or 700 gph pump.
If the big boys with the larger reefs need it, I can look into making HO, VHO, Extreme and Hurricane versions, basically 950, 1200, 1800 and 2400 gph pumps.
More power, more flow! :shock: