Well I think I would rather hae a reef =p So I'll go with the metal halides
80 pounds of rock
180 gallon Tank--3/4. Price: $1525.00 - EURO-BRACED somewhere better to get it ?
sump with refugium $399
AquaC EV-180 Protein Skimmer With Mag-Drive 7 Pump
Lumen max II 250 watt pendant - $150 or 400watts
-10,000K 250watt HQI Halide Bulb - Ushio - $86
-Ice Cap 250W Electronic Metal Halide Ballast - $158.95
-Two Little Fishies Red Mangrove Pods
koralia 4 - $48 More ?
Fiji Live Rock - $381 80 pounds
Tropic Isle Tahitian Moon Sand - 8 - 20 lbs $112
plumbing - $100
30 gallon fowlr
1 ocellaris
1 orange spot watchman goby