Depends on what you are looking for and how much you are willing to spend. We got a Samsung 56in LCD DLP projection from Costco, and I love it- its HUGE! At Costco it looked tiny next to the 62in but when we got it home we found we had barely enough room for the 56. It was less than 2500 after taxes. Its not a thin screen, but its only about 12 in deep and came with a stand. LCD's and Plasmas are really nice to mount them on a wall. I prefer the LCD's over plasmas because I have heard that they last longer, hold their picture better, and there is less chance of burning in an image.
My brother just bought an aquios 42in for around 1500 in Bellingham. Open box at Best buy. It is a very very nice tv. If you are planning on watching high def, be sure to get the 1080p resolution as it is the highest available right now.
Last edited by NateL; 12-23-2007 at 07:39 AM.
Reason: added comment about the aquios