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Old 12-22-2007, 09:07 PM
albert_dao albert_dao is offline
Good Guy Albert
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Default Dec 22/07 - This week's AWESOME stuff


Fish (All fish are in quarantine. Holds with deposit only)

Blue Ring Angel
Emperor Angel
Queen Angel
Majestic Angel
Bellus Angel - Males and females, very different and very nice. Completely reef safe.
White Tail Pygmy Angels - Centropyge flavicauda, very cute!

Tomini Tangs - medium
Vlamingi Tangs - small
Unicorn Tangs - medium

Bangai Cardinals - healthy batch
Blue Banded Pipefish
Orchid Dottybacks
Royal Grammas
Butter Hamlets
Hifin Snappers - large, very nice fish for large tanks

Scotts Fairy Wrasse - only one. Super active and healthy~
Lyretail Hogfish

Hawaiian Lawnmower Blennies
Bicolor Blennies
Antenna Gobies
Tangora Prawn Gobies - Sweet looking goby!


Blue Squamosa Clams - 3.5"
Vulgaris Octopus
Sexy Shrimp


Aquacultured Plating Montipora
Aquacultured Braching Montipora

Royal Blue Mushrooms
Super Green Fuzzy Mushrooms
Orange Yumas
Red Mushrooms

RBTA - Only two

Colt Corals
Finger Leathers

Aquacultured Hydnopora - super green

Pagoda Coral
Super Ultra Mega reen Favites - yeah, super ultra mega
Rose Brain Corals -red and green pieces
Blastomussa wellsi - green
Fungia - green
Heliofungia - green
Acanthastrea - several varieties


Watermelon Echinophyllia - ALL GONE!!! That was fast...
Red & White Echinophyllia
Lots of Acanthastrea

This and that.

Last edited by albert_dao; 12-23-2007 at 07:06 AM.