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Old 12-19-2007, 04:24 PM
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Tom R Tom R is offline
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Surrey, BC
Posts: 1,117
Tom R is on a distinguished road

I have 3 angels in each of my display tanks. The largest in each of my tanks are Majestic Angels of between 4 - 5". I find that they all pick at things in the tank with the smaller angels doing the most continuous picking. Angels are very inquisitive and will immediately go over and pick at anything new put into their tank. My tanks are completely over grown with GPS, Xenia, Anthelia, Kenya Tree and Zoo's and if they are in fact eating any of the corals it is impossible to tell. Some of my friends that have had problems with angels in their reef tanks have had problems with the angels going after the more meaty Brain Corals.
My Tank Setup
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