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Old 12-18-2007, 12:46 AM
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tang daddy tang daddy is offline
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Originally Posted by fishmaster View Post
Oh, I didn't realize your going to build the tank! I thought you were talking about getting a tank custom built. If they don't charge you an arm & leg, it would totally make sense to have it done by the glass shop. That way, if a panel breaks, it's on them not you!
A glass shop will not take liability and they will tell you that from the get go, it's like a dealership giving you a car and if you smash it up they'll pay for all the damages as well as your injury.... not going to happen unless they're a big company that make tanks for a proffesion trust me I've already asked.

On a side note if it's 3g's I have to spend on a tank build I would go with a custom 60"lx36"wx24"h frameless euro braced 6 holes predrilled on the bottom pane.(wish I could afford starfire) but that would put things way over budget so the tank realisticly would run probally 800 plumbing 140 wood 160 that would leave 1900 I would definately go budget with the sump maybe spend 150 tops on one of those huge reservoirs you know the kind on propogation on RC no baffles needed also alot more total volume return pump buy used same with tunze 61's, a wavebox and controller, skimmer DIY probally the biggest one I can make and that would probally come in pretty tight but hey I would have the tank of my dreams and it would be clean viewable from all sides no overflow on side or back just through the rockwork a durso or herbie type drain maybe use some extra glass and build an overflow box and then use rockwork to go around it sort like a volcano. I love the japan inspired tanks so clean open all around even to view from above. Anyhow I won't bore you but that's what I would do if someone threw me 3grand cash!
Always looking for the next best coral...

90g starphire cube/400mhRadium20k/2 XHO/2x27w UV/2x39w T5/ 3 Trulumen led strips
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