Thread: Bad Hair Algae
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Old 12-16-2007, 05:49 PM
likwid likwid is offline
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Originally Posted by jasond View Post
Likwid....I have a sea hare that you are welcome to "borrow"...he loves hair algae, and now that my tank is pretty much free of it, is not finding much to eat. A couple of weeks, and I can guarantee he will have eaten his fair share. He poops, but it is a lot easier to clean than the HA

If you are interested just shoot me a pm.

Thanks for the offer, but I am in Lethbridge and do not go up to Calgary very often.

All of my levels are good, I just dont know what to do anymore. It does not spread, it just keeps growing in the same spots all the time. Whenever I yank it out during water changes, it just starts growing back in the same spots days later. There are areas of the rock that have never seen any hair algae, but the spots with it, just wont lose it.
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