Thread: Bad Hair Algae
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Old 12-16-2007, 07:23 AM
jasond jasond is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Calgary
Posts: 279
jasond is on a distinguished road

Likwid....I have a sea hare that you are welcome to "borrow"...he loves hair algae, and now that my tank is pretty much free of it, is not finding much to eat. A couple of weeks, and I can guarantee he will have eaten his fair share. He poops, but it is a lot easier to clean than the HA

If you are interested just shoot me a pm.

60 Gallon rimless, internal Herbie overflow, ATI Powermodule, Eheim 1250, 2X Tunze 6055, Tunze ATO, Euroreef RS100, Profilux controller, TLF Reactor.
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