Mixing Clown fish
I have just got a 230g and we're planning on adding the fish from our 2 tanks to this one. The only real problem I'm worried about is that we have one saddle back clown in one tank hosting an anemone and 2 perc.'s hosting in zoos in the other. I'm worried that if they go in the same tank (even one as big as a 230g) they will most likely fight to the death. I plan on adding all the fish on the same day (to reduce any territorial fights) however if the clowns start fighting I'm not sure if we'll be able to get them out of the tank in time, or possibly at all, lots of LR and coral to navigate around. Is it best to sell one of the clowns and not risk it or do I take a chance and see how it goes?
I know someone asked about multiple clowns in tanks not too long ago, but I can't remember how it turned out.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!!  - Laurie
Last edited by fishoholic; 12-15-2007 at 04:24 PM.