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Old 12-13-2007, 02:40 PM
smoke20ster smoke20ster is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Nebraska
Posts: 7
smoke20ster is on a distinguished road

thanks for posting.

The fluval was going to be used for, those noodle things they send with the kit, and whatever else will help.)
As for a sump? I never gave it any thought. I did at one time want a wet/dry filter...Im hoping this is the same type of sump your refering to?

As for lights...Ive read, that 6watts is good lighting for each gallon of the aquarium. And with HO I havent seen a high enough wattage in hoods to attain that in a 2-4 bulb fixture. That was the only reason for going to vho. Even the power compats just dont put out that much wattage. Unless Im not seeing something in plain sight, how would this work out? the tank dimensions are 25longx18deepx25high. The tang is a open item, I like the look of them but its not needed :P

Deffiently going to have a few soft corals the choices I have looked at were:
Yellow Fiji Finger Leather, Flourescent Green Rasta Leather, Neon Green tree coral(leather), Colt Coral, Yellow tree Gorgonian, Red Sea Pink/white pumping Xenia, short tentacle plate coral.

As for all the fish I looked at:
Randall's Gobie, Golden head sleeper gobie, watchman bluespotted goby, scooter blennie, 8 line wrasse, starry lawnmower blenny.
Later on, Id like to get that blue hippo tang(dora-finding nemo?) and a Black tang. This of course will be in a 90 gallon I might do in a few years.....right after I get a house bought or built.
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