Hi Jason, I sure hope so. I've only been monitoring nitrates but there has been a reduction in the initial levels.
But to be clear, I only moved it in there a couple days ago. It was in a different system before that. You know how sometimes when you put your hand in the water, some SPS will slime up a little and you see it as sort of a stringy aura around the coral? This guy was doing that within 3 days of having been purchased, except without me putting my hands in the tank to trigger it. I was just hoping that it was just adjusting to something but it just seemed to worsen.
I moved it on the off chance that there was something in that tank that was bothering it, ie., doing nothing would have ensured that nothing changed. So although moving it into this new tank may be a mistake in and of itself, at least I felt I "was doing something about it."
Who knows, I mean, sometimes a coral just doesn't make the transition from ocean to captive life and this is nothing more than that. It's just that .. I've seen this progression now so often it's driving me crazy. Sometimes a piece will do well for months on end, and grow really well too, then suddenly, bam, it's number comes up. Others are like this and basically succumb more or less instantaneously. To be honest it's the ones that do well for a little while and then suddenly let go, that truly mystify me, more so than the ones that don't do well right off the bat (those ones just confirm to me that "Yep ... something is still not right here." The other ones will make me think I've turned the tide, then I'll go buy some more pieces, and then bam, the phenomenon returns and I'm left wondering why I didn't just learn my lesson and pass over the pieces in the store).
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!