I can't be sure it's not allelopathy. But it's not quite that easy. I don't really keep a lot of softies. About a half dozen zoanthid colonies and some patches of GSP (hitchhiker's that came in on something). And for what it's worth, all were introduced well after this phenomenon began. Coming into this, I was an SPS guy. I only have non-SPS now because I grew tired of having an empty tank. Look at my tank picture from 2004 - the only softies are a patch of green zoanthids about 30-40 polyps in size. All those corals you see - all have since perished. Also there are many many tanks out there with both SPS and zoanthids, and for that matter, with more colonies and/or larger colonies than what I have.
I still haven't ruled out the anemones however. But ... it's not a slam dunk there either. Look at Cprowlers' tank, or Gary M.'s tank over at RC ... several others on RC that I correspond with have the same species but not this problem.
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!
Last edited by Delphinus; 12-10-2007 at 03:47 PM.