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Old 12-10-2007, 03:22 PM
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marie marie is offline
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Are you sure its not allelopathy (sp?).With so many people having trouble growing sps I think chemical warfare is a bigger problem then people realize.
In my old 75g tank, I put a cabbage leather into the tank, within a few hours my turbinara closed up and stayed that way for 4 days no matter where in the tank I put it. After doing a large water change and running carbon with no success I removed the leather and the next morning the polyps were all back out on the cup coral. Too big of a coincidence to not blame the cabbage leather.

We tell beginners to start with the easy soft corals before moving on to sps. I wonder how many fail at having an sps tank of their dreams because of our advice. Maybe we should be telling them if they are planning on having an sps tank, to start with montipora.

300g tank

Last edited by marie; 12-10-2007 at 03:25 PM.
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