I'm sort of wondering if it could be bacterial. Sort of like the brown jelly that usually attacks Euphyllia? But I have no idea, just a grasp on my part.
FWIW, I run my SG at 1.025 and temperature I try to keep at 26C (about 78-79F I think? If I have my conversions straight).
It is pretty uniformly SPS across the board. Softies, LPS (well, actually, I don't have many LPS. But I do have a bubble coral, and two Blastomussa's), anemones, and clams don't seem to be an issue.
This is now spanning two different systems. But one thing the two systems have in common are some rather large anemones. Two gigantea carpets in one tank, and one ridiculous ritteri in the other. It feels a bit of a desperate grasp though, to me, as there are tanks out there with these species with SPS that seem to do well.
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!