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Old 12-06-2007, 12:37 AM
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Originally Posted by BMW Rider View Post
Red bugs are specific to acros. They do not go after any other types of corals.
Actually I once had them and they were all over a Montipora danae as well. They do however just feed on sps.
Sorry to hear about this Murray, but I doesn't sound like red bugs to me. My guess is nitrate/phosphate issues, temp swings, alk too low and then spiked or perhaps not enough flow. Not enough lighting can cause problems but will mostly brown them out as the corals tend to increase their hosting zooxanthellae count to compensate for the lack of carbohydrate production due to lower light levels. Lighting issues don't happen over night. Was it RTN? (rapid tissue necrosis) What did the corals look like? Is there a loss of tissue leaving just the bare skeleton? Pictures would be helpful for a diagnosis.

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