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Old 12-03-2007, 03:29 PM
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Shipwreck Shipwreck is offline
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Ontario's West Coast
Posts: 30
Shipwreck is on a distinguished road

Live rock is a cities listed item as well as many corals. And then any coral that is mounted to rock is again protected as part of the live rock. I know many people have tried this but with the fines so high I wouldn't bother.

The other problem with buying from somewhere furhter away is your LFS will suffer and when you go to buy those staple items they are no longer around. We used to have several good fish stores locally but because everyone drove to Toronto to buy their fish & coral, the local stores closed and now everyone has to drive a greater distance even for basic items. Now the lower prices are offset by the fact it takes me most of a day to get there, a tank of gas, meals/food, so the $20 savings I would have gotten was replaced by $150 of extra costs.
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