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Old 12-02-2007, 04:44 PM
dsaundry dsaundry is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Chilliwack
Posts: 943
dsaundry is on a distinguished road
Default stores.

I havent been using any one store in particular. I usually have gone online at some shops like Aquarium Pros. Just Google search saltwater fish for sale and a bunch will pop up. Thats how I have found some. Ebay also has some but some charge way too much for shipping. I just got some lovely peppermint shrimp. 8-$15.00 but it was $25 bucks for shipping. all arrived ok and are doing well. I was very concerned when we had the drop in temperature but there was a heat pack in and they were well insulated.However I probably wont order anything else until temperature warms up. I also have 50lbs of live rock that I am expecting in the next day or so. It was on Ebay for $74.95 and shipping was only $19.00. Great price and I hope its great rock. They[reefcomplete] are new to Ebay and have good feedback. I live close to the border so I run over to Sumas to a place called Ship Happens. It is great as a lot of sellers in the U.S.A. only ship to the states. I have bought a lot of items for my aquarium set up online as I cant seem to find a place up here that wont bankrupt me. I usually only have Sundays off so it is difficult to know which fish stores are open in the Seattle or Bellinham area. Maybe some other members can share some secrets with both of us on that one. I will say that in a lot of the cases I have found that a trip to Burnaby or New Westminster to either J+L or King Ed pets has usually been just fine for a lot of stock items. They actually say "NO" don't buy that it wont work in your tank. I have heard there is another place in Delta but I cant remember the name. If you are just buying regular fish I dont think that if you factor in shipping you will find too many things cheaper in the states. But every now and then if you are patient, well you know. Good hunting...Darryl
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