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Old 12-01-2007, 12:42 AM
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GreenSpottedPuffer GreenSpottedPuffer is offline
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Default Porcupine Puffer Antics!

I thought this was a funny little story to share...I have always been able to "pet" my porcupine Puffer on the back because he has learned that I usually only do it before I feed him. So I guess he is smart enough to relate me "petting" him to getting food. Even though I really do not touch him much, I think this is really cool. Today I went a step farther to see how trusting he was and actually am able to completely hold him in my hand! He just lays still and looks around...Its hilarious. I did this a few times and then thought, well it can't be good to be touching him so much, so I stopped. I started to walk away from the tank and he went NUTS!!! He began frantically swimming, spitting, thrashing, ect.

I guess now if he gets held he also expects food! Fair enough...

So I gave him a little bit of prawn but apparently that was not enough. He began begging again right away. I actually started laughing at him and he puffed! The timing of it all was amazing. Almost as soon as I began laughing its like he got upset and poof! All the time he was puffed up, he just stared at me too. I was laughing so hard I was almost crying.

Heres a pic of him puffed. I will take one of him being held next time I do it. What a character this Puffer is!

Last edited by GreenSpottedPuffer; 12-01-2007 at 12:44 AM.
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