Aside from feeling like we shouldn't be using food as fuel, for the obvious reason that grain feeds people, is the fact that we have water quantity issues now too. There isn't enough water anymore to supply irrigation for those grain fields in many parts of the Country. You can't grow grain without water. So, we will have the ever increasing problem of being able to grow enough grain to both fuel our vehicles AND feed and water the people AND feed and water our livestock.
In my opinion, the solution is fossil fuel conservation and encouraging the production of both low fuel consumptive vehicles and hydrogen fuel technologies coupled with affordable solar and wind solutions to heat and light our homes (and tanks).
The trick here is to provide AFFORDABLE solutions and offer government grants to encourage people to make the switch.
The most difficult part of the whole thing is finding ways to make people see how we have to start doing something.... anything, no matter how small it may seem. And I don't care if you call it global warming, or whether it's a man made problem or natures cycle, and I'm not a Gore supporter. But it's obvious to me that we have to change our way of life so there will be a future for the next generations.
This trend of bigger homes and bigger cars and bigger everything really needs to change. We live in a land of plenty, but will our children?