Kalk reactor can increase Calcium levels and alk levels, but it depends on the CO2 production of your tank.
Calcium and alk are consumed by corals and they release CO2 in the process. Kalk reactor takes that CO2 and Ca(OH)2 (Kalk), then it converts is back to calcium and alk. If you had no fish in your tank (i.e. no extra CO2 source), then it would not be possible for kalk to raise Ca and Alk levels. If you had plenty of fish or CO2 injection from the room, then it is possible but it is not guaranteed. This is one of the reasons why it is suggested that Kalk is dispersed/dripped during the night...CO2 concentration is higher at night and the chances of CO2 and CaOH bumping in to each other higher at night.
One of the common problems with Kalk is when Kalk is overdosed. There is complete overdose where the kalk precipitates the ca and alk in the water. But there is also a mild overdose where the pH is raised too high and it causes the alk to drop. When kalk is dripped, the pH of the water is increased. In this situation, you need to add buffer to counteract the situation. I think this is one of the reasons why some reefers say that kalk doesn't maintain alk. As a remedy, you can reduce the kalk you place in your mixing tank so that the pH is not as high.
Both are good, but you need to understand the pros and cons of each system. For begineers, I would start with either Kalk and Buffer or 2 Part. The expense of the Calcium reactor is very high and your money could be better spent on other equipment.
- Victor.