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Old 11-26-2007, 03:40 AM
Static Static is offline
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Originally Posted by Doug View Post
Good link Myles.

I dont think its the same algae, at least at first glance. The link looks like a red hair algae, and Mike,s seems more of a turf algae. It has a spider like appearance, except where its thicker and even then, there is no vertical growth.

Almost like a cheap red carpet.
It's may not be the same algae, but my experiences mirror the statement in the article. It states that the algae takes on 2 distinct forms, that were once mistaken for separate species. Mine started out as a red fuzz, about .5 cm high, covering the rocks. It later developed into a more wiry growth, much coarser with strands up to 5 cm long.

If it's not the same algae I'd still be inclined to try the mexican turbo snails, as they seem to have a taste for Rhodophyta (red algae).
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