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Old 11-25-2007, 10:04 PM
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Default Why is red turf algae in the tank ??????

I will try this again after writing a freaking novel that I lost . Sorry for the long post.
I have been fighting Red turf algae in the tank 120 gal with a 75 gal sump. Skimming with a ATI BM 250 running Ozone @ around 50mg per hour for 3-4 hours per day. I run a BB tank with a Tunze 6000 and a hydro 4 with a Mag 12 for a return. I suck out the crap on a weekly basis. I have 4 clams in the tank mixed reef with a couple SPS. When Doug was over we were talking about this Red algae in the tank along with nitrates that I may have in the tank. I didn't think that i have Nitrates in the tank where I’m always cleaning the crap out along with 5 gal water changes along with 4 clams in the tank.

I'm getting a phosban reactor to help with the phosphates that i may have since i have red turf algae in the tank with some green patches here and there. Doug has a Algae scrubber that is is going to let me use to fight against the phosphates and ammonia and nitrates. Scrubbers are like having a DSB in the tank. For what I have read about. Another Mike has a 180 gal tank mixed that he found that when he ran Ozone in his tank the aglae was take somewhat away. and once the ozone was taking off the algae came back to an extent.

I know from all this reading over the years that not every tank is the same. or is it I can't see that being true now can we. Now with the clams thing how much are the clams actually consuming in the tank. Or is it when they get big enough that is when they are starting to consume. So here are some pictures of the tank with the red turf and a couple more of the tangs and the fox face eating form the clip...

P.s this is what i want to do put the ozone back on and raise the MG per hour to 75 -100 MG for 3-4 hours or run it straight 24 hours per day at the regular level of 50 Mg along with running the scrubber and the phosban reactor until the scrubber matures...

note the red turf all over the rocks
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
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Last edited by Skimmerking; 11-25-2007 at 11:04 PM.
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