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Old 11-24-2007, 08:59 PM
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sharuq1 sharuq1 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Red Deer, Alberta
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sharuq1 is on a distinguished road
Unhappy Please help--snail died and then I made things even worse...

Well my tank crashed last week due to a dead snail I did not find in time. After that I subsequently made things worse by torching the algae I have had a hate-on for off of the live rock and putting that in a tub with a heater and powerhead as it, of course, smells terrible due to the die off. (I am waiting for the nitrate spike in there to settle before I return it to the 14g.)

After this happened I did a 100% water change in the 14g, the water was nasty as heck. My corals are sitting on a rack made of egg-crate in the 14g, and since the crash have all looked terrible. Many of them may be dead, but I am unsure which ones are and so I have not thrown them out. (holding out on hope I suppose)

I have been doing 5 gallon water changes every day since this happened as my ammonia is reading very high due to my wrecking everything and only comes down slightly after a WC (none of the colors on the test card match what is in the vial so I can only assume the worst, sayyyy over 8ppm?? >.<) I have also been dosing with prime to try and detox this water from hell.

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone had advise about what I can do to rectify this situation?

Please don't flame me or say "you should not have done this/that and it is all your fault"--I already know this, I know I made mistakes and went too far taking the LR--what's done is done though and I can't go back and change it and I really don't want to feel any worse right now. But if you have some advice so I can fix what is happening now I would really appreciate it. Some consoling would be nice too

Edit: yes there are 3 small fish in the 14g... I have nowhere else to put them with the exception of the vat where the LR is.... The nitrate in there is about 50-110 mg/L at present. I don't know what's worse, to put them into toxic levels of ammonia or nitrate. Suggestiions?

Last edited by sharuq1; 11-25-2007 at 04:40 AM.
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