Here it is:
The newest firmware 3.06 (beta) can be downloaded here:
ProfiLuxControl II here:
Warning: These are beta-versions at the moment, it is not impossible that there may be bugs in the software.
Before updating you should save your settings and sensordata, these files can be downloaded to ProfiLux after the update!
What's new?
1. support for the new cards PLM-4L (4x 1-10V-interfaces) and PLM-pH-Redox (combo for pH and redox measurement)
2. Complete new programmed current control! Up to 4 pumps can be controlled (or more if you control some pumps simultaneously). New modes: surge, sequence, random in several variants.
Increase of pump power while thunderstorm; 2 pump groups can be operated independently; all pumps can be programmed individually; monitoring of the pump power in ProfiLuxControl,........
->just download and test it!
3. Some other small improvements
Have fun while testing the new features!
Your feedback is appreciated!