Originally Posted by Jason McK
..... You rock is not expected to convert Nirtate to anything. ....
Not sure if you were speaking of LR generally or asherah's specifically here. I initially thought generally. My intent was to point out that
generally LR
is expected to convert Nitrate to anything....namely Nitrogen. The rest of my post was vaguely alluding to the notion that poor circulation and poor surface agitation could result in a build up of nitrogen.
Originally Posted by Jason McK
Yes the theory is that with in the LR there will be anaerobic bacteria that converts Nitrate to Nitrogen. This is not always possible, with high bioloads and rock too dense or too porous.
that is why 'we' have added DSB, Refugiums, and Coil denitrators.
But having Rock that can not convert Nitrate to Nitrogen does not render it useless
Agreed. But again, I'm not suggesting that LR that can't convert Nitrates to Nitrogen is useless, so I'm not sure what that part of your post is in reference to.
Originally Posted by Jason McK
Mark, I think I'm confused now.
I'm sugesting that any LR will not elliminate 100% of Nirtate do to the fact that anarobic zones in the LR will not be enough to handle most closed systems.
This is why so many other methods are developed to handle excess Nitrates.
Now I should preface myself by saying I'm hypothesizing via what i have read and the what seems to be a common theme, having to rid Nitrates for a tank
100% agreed.