Thread: Aptasia remover
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Old 11-20-2007, 02:34 AM
Voli Voli is offline
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Originally Posted by Brighteyes_13 View Post
So the tank is up and running nicely. i have found what i call my problem rock tho. it has a few heads of aptasia on it, the largest being just over an inch. it also has what i think are colonial hydroids (little round brow puffballs connected by a brown thread looking thing?) When i went to the fishstore today for the aptasia he recommended a product called "tailored aquatics aptasia destroyer"

its aparently a high concentration calcium mix powder liquified and applied directly to the aptasia (he also said it may work on the hydroids?)

has anyone used this before? and if so anything i should watch out for?
and in all honesty... do you think it will work on the hydroids?

and lastly... anyone have a method to get rid of the hydroids? ive tried looking it up on the site, but short from letting the rock die seems like theres not much positive info available other than it sucks.
I had a few large aiptasia so I just tried the Tailored Aquatics Aiptasia Destoryer at my local pet stores recommendation. It seem to work well even on the Aiptasia in the middle of my zoa's with no harm done to them. Fish ate a bit of it and they seem fine too. Ive been using the tailored Aquatic Reef dKH for a while now as well, before I couldnt keep my dKH above 7 for more than a day... this stuff seems stronger than the others I was trying.
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